Eleven-GamesHow to open game Database?

27.08.2019, 17:59 - Kenesoljas - Anfänger - 15 Beiträge
Does anyone know how to open FrontEnd.ds?

Miki Matsubara - [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3G39za7TCIWlCtEhNeprjA]YouTube[/url] / [url=https://mikimatsubarajapan.wixsite.com/mikisan]Website[/url]

28.08.2019, 01:00 - CobraGamer - Experte - 956 Beiträge
This file can't be opened properly.
It essentially stores the same data as the *.db3 files from newer titles, just stored in a proprietary file format.
28.08.2019, 11:16 - Kenesoljas - Anfänger - 15 Beiträge
as I understand it, the database was created on MS Access and encoded in a different format, since if you open it using notepad, you can see the .mdb format. I wanted to add more AI opponents to the game.
CobraGamer schrieb:
This file can't be opened properly.
It essentially stores the same data as the *.db3 files from newer titles, just stored in a proprietary file format.

Miki Matsubara - [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3G39za7TCIWlCtEhNeprjA]YouTube[/url] / [url=https://mikimatsubarajapan.wixsite.com/mikisan]Website[/url]