Das Syndikat • How do i repaint a car |
01.10.2013, 16:55 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
How do i repaint a car? From a Normal car to a Police car With wich program? Greetz Thomas |
01.10.2013, 17:34 - thecloser_ - Moderator - 2349 Beiträge
This does only work, if the car has a mapping! Open MOX file of the car in the MTKitm select the body, click "ShowMaterial", go to UV and Wire by clicking on UV and W: Copy this Window (Alt + Print) and open your Imageprogramm. You only need the part in the coordinate system (<- Was für ein geiles Englisches Wort). Skalar this to 1024x1024 or 2048x2048px. Edit Image in the Way you want. Save file as 24bit bitmap. Import Bitmap in the PTX-Tool. Save file in the Textures folder of the Car. Open MTL File of that Car with Notepad. Search for this line, which includes the Materialname of the MTKit, in this Example: #0x0000 Go to the Line "Tex1Name" and enter between the "" your Texturename with extension *.tga (So if your Filename of your paintjob is "Car", wirte: Quelltext:
Greetings [ALIGN=center][B]Nix gegen Baguette, aber...[/B] [IMG]https://abload.de/img/signature_newbuyas.jpg[/IMG][/ALIGN] |
01.10.2013, 18:25 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
when i have to click on select material and wire and uv have i a empty square. |
01.10.2013, 18:43 - thecloser_ - Moderator - 2349 Beiträge
This means to you, that this Car has no mapping on the body-material. Creating a mapping for the body-material is to complicated for a modding newbie like you (I'm sorry for saying, but this matches to you). The Car might be locked, so you'll need to ask for permission and somone who want to create the mapping. Otherwise, if you want to try it by yourself, check out this TUT: Download [ALIGN=center][B]Nix gegen Baguette, aber...[/B] [IMG]https://abload.de/img/signature_newbuyas.jpg[/IMG][/ALIGN] |
01.10.2013, 20:16 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
where is the coordinate system in ptxtool? |
01.10.2013, 20:44 - thecloser_ - Moderator - 2349 Beiträge
Theres no coordinate system im ptxtool... Please descripe your problem more detailed. [ALIGN=center][B]Nix gegen Baguette, aber...[/B] [IMG]https://abload.de/img/signature_newbuyas.jpg[/IMG][/ALIGN] |
01.10.2013, 20:51 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
when I pxtiool have started what is the next step? Entschuldigung my English is bad and my Deutsch auch |
01.10.2013, 21:03 - thecloser_ - Moderator - 2349 Beiträge
Your English is absolutely ok. After Running Tool, just go to File-Import BMP, select your texture and save it with Save-uncompressed ptx [ALIGN=center][B]Nix gegen Baguette, aber...[/B] [IMG]https://abload.de/img/signature_newbuyas.jpg[/IMG][/ALIGN] |
01.10.2013, 21:22 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
Ich habe mtl gekopiert mit alt print und was is de nachste Schritt? What is the next step when I click on alt print? And i have this error: Bitmap dimensions must be 8,16,32.....2048 color format must be 24bit help me? //DP deleted. Wait your time and you'll get an answer! Please remember that we don't support Doubleposting on eleven-games.net! |