Das SyndikatPTXtool > Changed textures no difference in-game!?

27.08.2013, 01:42 - timothyR - Anfänger - 3 Beiträge
hi guys,

I just used the PTXtool I exported the bmp's and modified it in photoshop. after that i imported the bmp again saved an compressed it again and now when I start up the game and look for the Ben that I've just modified, I see no difference, the car still looks exactly the same as before. The game seems to load the old standard textures instead of my modified textures. Do you guys know what i'm doing wrong?

And in German (google translate);

Hallo Jungs,

Ich nutzte die PTXtool ich exportiert die bmp und modifizierte es in Photoshop. Danach habe ich die bmp wieder importiert gespeichert komprimiert es wieder ein und jetzt, wenn ich das Spiel starten und suchen Sie nach der Ben, dass ich gerade geändert, sehe ich keinen Unterschied, das Auto sieht immer noch genau das gleiche wie vorher. Das Spiel scheint die alten Standard-Texturen anstelle von meinem modifizierten Texturen laden. Wisst ihr, was ich falsch mache?

_______________________________2013 Audi A4 S-line Black Edition__________________________________________

27.08.2013, 01:59 - Amaury - Administrator - 2134 Beiträge
Which texture have you modified?

Did you overwrite the old texture?

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27.08.2013, 02:08 - timothyR - Anfänger - 3 Beiträge
I modified the detail.ptx and i modified the license plate. And i did overwrite the original. Weird right?

I removed crash time 4 from my PC (just to reinstall it again) and after I removed all the files of the game I launched the PTXtool. I noticed something weird. The Tool says that there's still a folder called ''Crashed time 4 - The syndicat'' and inside that folder i can still find the ''autos'', ''Ben_sport'' and ''texture'' folder and within that folder I find the files I have been modifying. It's strange that the tool still is showing those files, while they do not exist( because when I look in to the program files folder my self, I dont see a folder called ''Crashed time 4 - The syndicat''...

_______________________________2013 Audi A4 S-line Black Edition__________________________________________

27.08.2013, 11:46 - thecloser_ - Moderator - 2349 Beiträge
Please note that double-posts are not allowed within 48h!

Try saving file as uncrompressed ptx.
Some textures won't be accepted ingame and crompressed ptx files have less quality.

So it's recommended to use uncompressed files.

[ALIGN=center][B]Nix gegen Baguette, aber...[/B] [IMG]https://abload.de/img/signature_newbuyas.jpg[/IMG][/ALIGN]

27.08.2013, 13:29 - Amaury - Administrator - 2134 Beiträge
Then only save the new texture to your desktop and put it then to the right folder ;-)

[ALIGN=center][b]Jannes ist der Beste![/b] [HR][img]http://gameshots.eu/images/2016/05/31/388c4ca8e497903ae8ef8b6a0222e0d4.jpg[/img] [br][URL=http://www.gameshots.eu][B]Game[/B]shots.[i]eu[/i][/URL][/align]

28.08.2013, 11:32 - timothyR - Anfänger - 3 Beiträge
Sorry for the double post!

Amaury's solution worked! thanks smile

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