Das Syndikat • Syndikat on Windows 8 Problem |
14.05.2013, 15:14 - al-G - Anfänger - 6 Beiträge
Ich hab einen neuen Computer mit Windows 8. Cobra 11 Syndikat Installiert, und auf Syndikat Icon geklickt, danach erscheint die Start Spiel Fenster, klick auf „play crash time 4“ und danach erscheint ein weiß Fenster mit Text „Starting Application Please Wait“ dann diese weißer Fenster verschwindet, aber es passiert nichts weiter …? Game ist in Administrator und auch im andere kompatible versucht (XP/Vista/Windows 7), egal, die gleichen Ding passiert??? |
14.05.2013, 15:42 - CobraGamer - Experte - 956 Beiträge
Please write in english I can't do more than to give you the link to Synetic-Support: http://www.synetic.de/board/viewforum.php?f=2 But maybe it's the copy protection... |
14.05.2013, 20:29 - ///M - Experte - 939 Beiträge
The AfC11-Game series don't work on Windows 8, but maybe a Patch come, that the game woks, but at the Moment we can only wait. So I think. [align=center][url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0OrFj7LbrxEdZ0ok28VEjw][b][YouTube][/b] Taniell[/url] [hr] [img]https://abload.de/img/bmw_m4_green_signaturh9ktl.png[/img][/align] |
15.05.2013, 10:45 - Nic - Anfänger - 4 Beiträge
Hmm, thats strange... Cause I have Windows 8 on my PC too, and playing all the Cobra 11 games works brilliant for me @al-G : Like I already said - I never had the problems you desribed on my Windows 8 PC, so it may be the best if you just follow the link CobraGamer gave to you Greetings Nic |
15.05.2013, 15:54 - CobraGamer - Experte - 956 Beiträge
He is following the link @al-G: I gave you an answer at the forum. Greetings |
18.05.2013, 17:34 - al-G - Anfänger - 6 Beiträge
Thanks to all who kindly gave a reply. The Problem is resolved. Although the computer and OS is only a couple of days old I had to uninstall the Windows Live and reinstall it through Xbox and Windows Live. Now Syndicate works. The whole process can be seen at. http://www.synetic.de/...opic.php?f=21&t=4936 Thanks a lot for all the help - I really appreciate it Now I have to get back to trying to install the addon cars my son wants so much, but I have not managed to achieve so far (but that is another thread!) |
04.08.2013, 20:56 - KJ - Anfänger - 19 Beiträge
Me too have Windows 8. The games works 99.9% . Only the Windows Live Client does not work. Why? KJ |