Alarm für Cobra 11 Ausstellungsraum[AFC11 Nitro, CT BW,HN] Crash Time fan's showroom

08.05.2015, 23:48 - Crash Time fan - Anfänger - 23 Beiträge
Hello, recently I finished a traffic mod for Crash Time 3, It replaces all the traffic cars with the traffic from Crash Time 5, I uploaded to Eleven Games and the release will be soon. smile

Edit: I'm not allowed to have it at Eleven Games. sad I might post a link to it if I'm allowed.
08.05.2015, 23:56 - MMKSUPERRACER - Experte - 892 Beiträge
Well that is some neat stuff.

Why don't you get a showroom for your profile instead for a single mod. Why not renaming the topic. wink

Kanal: Status: Hier und Dort und mal an einem and'ren Ort. Ich mache: Mal dies, mal das.

09.05.2015, 00:00 - Crash Time fan - Anfänger - 23 Beiträge
Thanks, sure I can make a showroom for my profile, thanks for the idea. smile
09.05.2015, 00:55 - Crash Time fan - Anfänger - 23 Beiträge
You know in the Crash Time 3 intro there's the Monsun traffic car? Well I brought it back without replacing any traffic cars. Just need to fix the engine sound (it's a bit loud) if i can and it will be released! smile
09.05.2015, 22:01 - Crash Time fan - Anfänger - 23 Beiträge
Here is the link to the Crash Time 5 traffic cars mod for Crash Time 3 smile
10.05.2015, 02:39 - Amaury - Administrator - 2134 Beiträge
Who said that you are not allowed to have it here on Eleven-Games? We just didn't had time to check your mod and to activate the download ...

The only thing I can tell you about your mod right now and only by watching the picture of your first post, is that you forgot to adapt the lights of the car. Crash Time 4 and 5 are using a different lensflare.ptx file. You should divide every value of every lightpoint by 2 ;-)

Good luck for your next mods thumbsup

[ALIGN=center][b]Jannes ist der Beste![/b] [HR][img][/img] [br][URL=][B]Game[/B]shots.[i]eu[/i][/URL][/align]

10.05.2015, 04:55 - Crash Time fan - Anfänger - 23 Beiträge
Thanks for the feedback also Germany Jannes23 said it can't be here because Synetic doesn't like having stuff from there newer games to there older games.
23.05.2015, 17:29 - Crash Time fan - Anfänger - 23 Beiträge
New WIP, Tom car pack from AFC11 Nitro demo smile
23.05.2015, 18:33 - ///M - Experte - 939 Beiträge
That looks very good. smile

But maybe you can add real license plates to the cars. wink

[align=center][url=][b][YouTube][/b] Taniell[/url] [hr] [img][/img][/align]

24.05.2015, 15:59 - MMKSUPERRACER - Experte - 892 Beiträge
Can agree with ///M, but I would add "real" Synetic plates to let it fit better into the game.

Kanal: Status: Hier und Dort und mal an einem and'ren Ort. Ich mache: Mal dies, mal das.

24.05.2015, 20:40 - Crash Time fan - Anfänger - 23 Beiträge
Ok, I also replace the Nitro drivers for the cars except for the Police version. smile

Ok, just need to get the Ben and Semir drivers and fix the tuning, which I want to base off the Coupe but I need to find out the tuning values from the Coupe.

Sorry for the triple post but here is the link to the beta. Only thing that need fixing is the EditCars for the cars.

Edit: Would anyone like this as a third car in the car pack?

// Triplepost joined together
25.05.2015, 15:26 - MMKSUPERRACER - Experte - 892 Beiträge
Why don't you edit your original post then? This forum have rules.
Anyway, I guess the moderators will join everything in one post together.

I'm not quite sure if this has something to do with the lighting but the livery on the bonnet is not really good to see.

Kanal: Status: Hier und Dort und mal an einem and'ren Ort. Ich mache: Mal dies, mal das.

25.05.2015, 18:10 - Crash Time fan - Anfänger - 23 Beiträge
Sorry about the triple post, I will never do it again. About the Blue version, the livery on the hood is a bit too light, I'll try and darken the texture. smile
30.05.2015, 03:37 - Crash Time fan - Anfänger - 23 Beiträge
Two cars for AFC11 Nitro, the Semir 3.0L from Crash Time 2 (replaces Semir Plain) and Monsun 2.5 from Crash Time 2 (replaces Monsun Plain)