
27.05.2015, 20:11
Hii im new here ,
my first problem,when i play the game i am driving my car the ai car [computer cars] are jumping and not stable on the road .
second problem.i ve downloaded CT4 and the ultimate mod 2 BUT i need how to addon cars ?

Pleas help me Thanks #didoxdz
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt von didoxdz am 27.05.2015 20:11
27.05.2015, 21:26
Feel welcomed on

You can avoid the jumping cars by reducing the graphics. You can do that by running CT4_Setup.exe which is located in the game directory.

If you want to install Addons, you need to download the latest database for Crash Time 4. This database contains all driving settings for the cars of
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt von Amaury am 28.05.2015 12:38
Nix gegen Baguette, aber...
28.05.2015, 22:33
Thanks BUT i have a Gaming PC i can play these game in low-med setting i like ultra high + enb serie = better game
ive UM2 and i want to add. i ve downloaded the database but some cars are removed .
29.05.2015, 12:56
If the Traffic seems like jumping, your graphic card is not good enough. Try to lower some settings in the CT4_SetUp. Maybe it even works fine for you if reduce the Antialaising or the Calculating of the grass

You have to differ between the Database and the Cars you downloaded.

The database contains all driving stettings and physics required by the game engine. But this database doesn't contain the Car itself. So you have to download the Cars you want to drive and always make sure that you use the latest database.
Nix gegen Baguette, aber...
30.05.2015, 00:13
We wont give support for the Ultimate Mod because some of the mods that are contained in the modification have been included without permission.
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