As you may have noticed lately, the General Data Protection Regulation of 25 January 2012 came into force today. We at Eleven-Games are also partially affected by this law and have made corresponding changes. For reasons of transparency, we do not want to withhold these from you.
The following changes were made at Eleven-Games:
IP addresses of visitors are no longer tracked for various comment sections
ReCaptcha (Google) will no longer receive your IP address
IP addresses for complex forum functions are anonymized so that they can no longer be back traced
All other data that we collect from you can already be change or delete from your profile. We will also add a new feature that will allow you to delete your own user account.
In addition, we will check in the next few days to what extent we can restrict the Google cookies resulting from the advertisments. A proper privacy policy will also follow.
Please understand that not everything here always works perfectly or can be implemented quickly. Eleven-Games is not a company, but a private project. All members of our team sacrifice their free time to make all this possible for you.
If you suspect that Eleven-Games violates any applicable law, please contact us immediately. This is the only way we can constantly work on ourselves and design everything according to the laws.
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Changes on Eleven-Games according to GDPR
Eleven-Games Neuigkeiten
25.05.2018 • BlackBonjour
The following changes were made at Eleven-Games:
All other data that we collect from you can already be change or delete from your profile. We will also add a new feature that will allow you to delete your own user account.
In addition, we will check in the next few days to what extent we can restrict the Google cookies resulting from the advertisments. A proper privacy policy will also follow.
Please understand that not everything here always works perfectly or can be implemented quickly. Eleven-Games is not a company, but a private project. All members of our team sacrifice their free time to make all this possible for you.
If you suspect that Eleven-Games violates any applicable law, please contact us immediately. This is the only way we can constantly work on ourselves and design everything according to the laws.
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